Blog article

Caminos - a photo exhibition

Camino volando
Camino volando

"Walk on water"

I encountered Antarctic Petrels on the way to Antarctica late 2018. Petrels got their name derived from “Petrus” because they “walk on water” at least that is the way they look like when they land: I prefer them when they fly!

For the moment being they do not seem to be threatened. They are estimated to be around 20 million Antarctic Petrels. The warming up of the southern part of our planet has however already had an impact on the breeding times of Petrels. In addition, the warming of the southern oceans has reduced the abundance of krill, the preferred menu of Antarctic Petrels.

Camino volando
Camino volando
Anton Affentranger






"A room without books is like a body without a soul" Cicero







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