
Anton Affentranger

Life as a steady struggle and a never-ending breathtaking discovery. At the end it is nothing else than about assuming responsibilities and never giving up.

Anton was born in Argentina from Spanish and Swiss descent. He grew – up in Peru, Chile, and Switzerland. He has an economics degree from the University of Geneva. He spent approximately 20 years of his professional career as an investment-, corporate- and private-banker in New York, Hong Kong, Geneva, and Zürich. He then switched sides of the negotiating table and became an entrepreneur and developed out his own investment platform, several technology start-ups and companies. He was one of the founders and the Chairman and CEO of Implenia for over a decade. Today, he continues to act as an investor and entrepreneur in several technology ventures.

The consequences of climate change are Anton’s driving preoccupation today. His entrepreneurial activities and actions are concentrated around one question only: how can I best contribute to having a positive impact on the health of our planet?

Our planet earth is a fantastic place: let’s take care of it! This is our own personal and collective responsibility. We don’t have much time left 

Anton is a passionate marathon runner. The experiences required to overcome and finish a marathon race describe well his character. He has run the New York City Marathon several times as well as numerous other city and mountain marathons.

In 2018/2019 Anton travelled 6 months through South America. This trip brought him from the glaciers of the Antarctic peninsula to the planes of the Argentinian, Bolivian and Peruvian Puna as well as to the large urban areas with all its heavy contrasts. The voyage also took him  into the Amazon forest. He witnessed its beauty and at the same time its ongoing destruction.

On this trip his book “Baustellen” was born and written. The distance and the lasting impressions forced a strong questioning and meditation on the fundamental “to be” or “not to be” questions of life 

Anton is married to Melinda and has two adult sons. He lives in Zürich.

Also Anton's world



selfrag (http://www.selfrag.com/)

an effort to transform WASTE TO VALUE  with cutting edge technology and a team engaged for our planet

Dartfish (https://www.dartfish.com/)

video technology  for high performance athletes and teams around the globe

forteq group (http://www.forteq-group.com/)

a customer driven technology team with a global reach

FenX (https://fenx.ch/)

transforming mineral ashes into high-performance and sustainable insulation for the building industry

CIMA/AASA (Corporate Investment Management Affentranger Holding SA)  (https://www.aasa.com/)

an investment platform focused on value creation









"A blog is a great way to figure out what you want to do with yourself because writing regularly is a path to self-discovery."  Penepole Trunk

Veritas numquam perit






"A room without books is like a body without a soul" Cicero







Definitions. Ideas. Thoughts. A way of looking at things.
